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SPARK - Spatial Reasoning and Knowledge Module


SPARK is a module responsible for 3D environment management and spatial reasoning (including perspective taking).

SPARK uses Move3D to store the 3D model of the world and compute reachability and visibility of objects.


SPARK is not yet in Robotpkg, but will be soon (thanks to Severin MHP is now in robotpkg). For the moment, you have to do the classic git clone from trac.laas.fr.

The big dependency is Move3D. The others are genMAnip, genBasic, and depending on the chosen configuration, JIDO -> lwr, pom, platine, HRP2 -> pom, hrp2, ORO ->liboro.

When you want to generate the module with genom, you can specify the configuration like, genom -t -o -DJIDO -DORO spark.gen (this configuration is installed on Jido).

What does SPARK compute ?

This page details what SPARK computes and provides.


The general architecture of SPARK is following:


IMPORTANT: SPARK and MHP should be launched with the same p3d file, so that they contain the same environment definition.

The module communicates automatically to ORO and provides a poster containing the current screenshot of the environment. MHP reads this poster and updates its own environment before planning any motion.



SPARK depends on Move3D, and like MHP it needs a Move3D environment file (.p3d) containing the geometric definitions of robots, objects and humans. Normally .p3d files can be found in BioMove3DDemos git repository in /usr/local/motion. For CHRIS we normally use the files in BioMove3DDemos/GS/*.p3d (gsJidoKuka.p3d for ex)


The name of the requests as well as their I/O are almost the same as the ones in MHP:

Standard Requests

Interface Requests

By default the interface is launched but is inactive.

Situation Assessment Requests