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location: morse

MORSE, the Modular OpenRobots Simulation Engine

MORSE is a generic simulator for academic robotics. Learn more...

Latest events

Get the code

2020: Morse is now no longer updated
8 Feb 2016: MORSE 1.4 release
19 May 2015: MORSE 1.3 release
7 Jan 2015: MORSE 1.2.2 release
3 July 2014: MORSE 1.2.1 release
31 Jan 2014: MORSE 1.2 release
06 Nov 2013: MORSE 1.1.1 release
16 Sep 2013: MORSE 1.1 release
6-7 Jun 2013: First Intl MORSE Workshop at LAAS-CNRS, Toulouse
2 Apr 2013: MORSE 1.0.1 release (maintenance release)
1 Mar 2013: MORSE 1.0 release

Older news...

MORSE on GitHub

MORSE documentation

Stable version (1.4): MORSE documentation
Latest version: MORSE documentation

Jump to the installation instructions
Download the latest version of MORSE (morse-1.4.tar.bz2 - 114MB - 08-Feb-2016)

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