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location: morse / events / hackaton_sept_2011

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The hackathon is over!

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MORSE Second "hackathon", September 2011, LAAS-CNRS, Toulouse

Come and ride the MORSE!


The hackathon will take place at LAAS-CNRS, Toulouse, France on the 21th and 22th of September 2011.

The purpose of the meeting is to focus on a defined set of new features - add below your proposals!

Participants are assumed to be already familiar with MORSE (installation, creation of a simulation, etc.)

In the meantime, get in touch through the morse-dev mailing-list.

Preliminary hacking program

Everybody can submit ideas: click on the Edit this page link on the top of the page to modify it.

Depending on the amount of participants/interest for each proposal, we will most probably select two or three of them to focus the developments on.

I have left some projects from last hackathon that are still pending.

Each topic links to a dedicated page where ideas/requirements may be shared before the hackathon.


Put your name here!


Like the first one, this second hackathon will take place at LAAS-CNRS, "S28" meeting room. Click here for map & transportation info.

Hotels: Drop Gilberto an email if you need an accomodation or any other information about Toulouse.


We'll beggin our sessions at 10h, make a break for lunch at midday, and then carry on 'till we drop ;-)

OpenrobotsWiki: morse/events/hackaton_sept_2011 (last edited 2011-09-22 15:33:14 by slemaign)