The editline library provides generic line editing and history functions, similar to those found in tcsh(1). This package contains a Makefile for compiling the -current version of NetBSD's library which provides the same consistent installation and compilation environments as for the other tools found in this repository. Another auto-toolized version of this library is available here.
Editline is used by eltclsh.
OpenRobot's version of editline is no longer maintained. Use the one provided by http://www.thrysoee.dk/editline/ instead for new projects.
The last version of libedit from OpenRobots can be downloaded here: libedit-2.10.tar.gz
Supported systems
editline has been tested on Solaris, Linux (RedHat, Debian).
It is not needed on *BSD (including Mac OS X) systems, since they provide libedit in their base systems.