There are no configuration files yet. All the constant variables in capital letters defined at the beginning of the file $JAFAR_DIR/modules/rtslam/demo_suite/demo_slam.cpp are open to tuning. Some important ones are described with more details below.
Camera calibration
You have to modify the following lines in order to setup the camera calibration:
Running the demo
Program options:
--render-all=0/1 (needs --replay 1)
--replay=0/1 (needs --data-path)
--dump=0/1 dump the images (--replay=0) or the rendered views (--replay=1) (needs --data-path)
--log=0/1 log result in text file
--rand-seed=0/1/n. 0=generate new one, 1=in replay use the saved one, n=use seed n
--pause=0/n. 0=don't, n=pause for frames>n (needs --replay 1)
--robot 0=constant vel, 1=inertial
--trigger 0=internal, 1=external with MTI control, 2=external without control
--simu 0/1
--freq camera frequency in double Hz (with trigger==0/1)
--shutter shutter time in double seconds (with trigger==1)
--verbose=0/1/2/3/4/5. Off/Trace/Warning/Debug/VerboseDebug/VeryVerboseDebug