This page explains step by step how to install and configure robotpkg on the Nao robot.
robotpkg is a package manager that allows to easily install and keep up-to-date a variety of softwares focused on academic robotics. You can learn more about robotpkg on its homepage.
List of software packages available in robotpkg (note that some are not relevant to the Nao robot, like the ones requiring a GUI).
This should work with both Atom-based and Geode-based Nao (ie, Nao v3 and v4).
Installing OpenNao packages on Nao
It is normally not possible to install OpenNao packages on Nao (the emerge tool is not provided)
Installation of robotpkg
- make sure your Nao has access to the Web.
- log onto it.
Many of the actions we will perform require root access. For convenience, you can edit /etc/sudoers with su -c "vim /etc/sudoers" and change it that way:
root ALL=(ALL) ALL nao ALL=(ALL) ALL
This let you execute all actions requiring root access with sudo.
fetch the binary version of robotpkg: wget
extract it to /:
robotpkg is now installed on your Nao, in /opt/openrobots. Edit .bash_profile in your home directory, and add these lines to configure your environment:
export OPENROBOTS=/opt/openrobots export PATH=$PATH:$OPENROBOTS/sbin:$OPENROBOTS/bin export MANPATH=$MANPATH:$OPENROBOTS/man # make sure 'sudo' keep your PATH alias sudo='sudo env PATH=$PATH'
source the bash profile: source .bash_profile
- install the package manager and update the list of available packages:
$ sudo robotpkg_add $ sudo robotpkgin update
You can now call from any place robotpkgin <action> <package>
For instance:
robotpkgin avail lists all available packages
robotpkgin search <pattern> to search for a package
robotpkgin install <package> to install a package and all its dependencies
robotpkgin remove <package> to remove a package
robotpkgin update to update the list of packages
Check robotpkg --help or man robotpkgin for the complete list of actions.
As of September 2013, robotpkgin does not install nor list the system dependencies required by the packages.