MORSE, the OpenRobot Simulator
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Main features
A versatile simulator for generic mobile robots simulation (single or multi robots),
Easy to extend with your own components, and come out-of-the box with over 10 classes of sensors, 8 type of actuators, 3 complete robotics platform.
Enabling realistic and dynamic environments (with other interacting agents -humans- or objects),
Don't reinvent the wheel: critical components reused from other opensource projects (Blender for 3D rendering + UI, Bullet for physical simulation, dedicated robotic middlewares for communications + robot hardware support),
Middleware agnostic: currently compatible with ROS, YARP and LAAS OpenRobots robotics frameworks. See the full compatibility matrix.
Seamless workflow: since the simulator rely on Blender for both modelling and the realtime 3D engine, creating and modifying a simulated scene is straigthforward.
Entierely scriptable in Python,
- Adaptable to various level of simulation realism (for instance, we may want to simulate exteroceptive sensors like cameras in certain cases and access directly to a higher level representation of the world -like labelled artifacts- in other cases),
Fully open source, BSD-compatible.
Learn more about MORSE on the documentation page