Minutes of the first Morse International Workshop (June 2013)
Discussion about discrete event system
+ What is our needs ?
- - primitive events:
- - x entering in certain area - picking obj / releasing
- collision / touching -> material
-> whole object
- - sensor, actuator attached to a mesh ?
- - x entering in certain area - picking obj / releasing
+ API proposal ?
- - pymorse level
- - allow a way to retrieve all kind of events
- high-level interface to describe event -> reaction (see slide)
- - load meshes + primitives - details needed from the simulation ?
- - separate dynamic controller from the builder script ? - component level:
- add_event() to register new events from a component
- - allow a way to retrieve all kind of events
Faster than realtime simulation
Still need to better understand how time works in Blender / Morse
- proposed mode by Charles:
- - "best-effort" real-time:
- - drop frame if neeed
- - don't drop anything, but move the simulation 'clock' accordingly
- - hacking at the btDynamicsWorld::stepSimulation() level - hacking the blender clock
- checking for the 'TimeScale' parameter - http://www.blender.org/documentation/blender_python_api_2_67_1/bpy.types.SceneGameData.html#bpy.types.SceneGameData.use_frame_rate
Anyway, we need to hack in Blender
Humans / need human
Different needs:
- - avatar that can be controlled by user - simpler models that we can spawn around
- - with less level of freedoms - with several animations
- Track multiples human with kinect input - Replay gestures from registered inputs (motion capture for exemple).
- investigate detour | recast + new interface to define path to navigate
- Code need cleanup
- Simulation of sound ?
- new GitHub : https://github.com/morse-simulator/morse
- PPA : https://launchpad.net/morse-simulator
- filter/erase (forget) history
- Compress .blend https://github.com/morse-simulator/morse/issues/376