For a brief introduction, please refer to [ this page], written and maintained by SaraFleury. The original paper [Fleury 1997] and comments on future work [Mallet 2002] are also available.
- GNU make, [:pocolibs:] library.
- Optional:
[ Tcl/Tk] >= 8.0 for building the tcl client of modules.
- LAAS [:mkdep:] if you intend to work on sources and recompile frequently.
Latest development snapshot GenoM 2.0 Release Candidate 1 (2006/12/19):
[ genom-1.99.901.tar.gz]
Related publications
[Fleury 1997] S. Fleury, M. Herrb and R. Chatila. GenoM: A Tool for the Specification and the Implementation of Operating Modules in a Distributed Robot Architecture. In International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, pages 842-848. Grenoble (France), 1997.
[Mallet 2002] A. Mallet, S. Fleury and H. Bruyninckx. A specification of generic robotics software components: future evolutions of GenoM in the Orocos context. In International Conference on Intelligent Robotics and Systems. Lausanne (Switzerland), 2002.