OpenrobotsWiki: genom


The Generator of Modules GenoM is a tool to design real-time software architectures. It is more specifically dedicated to complex on-board systems, such as autonomous mobile robots or satellites, that require:

GenoM allows to encapsulate the operational functions on independent modules that manage their execution. The functions are dynamically started, interrupted or (re)parameterized upon asynchronous requests sent to the modules. A final reply that qualifies how the service has been executed is associated to every request.

A set of modules composes an open, communicant and controllable system:

The modules are automatically produced by GenoM using:

This module description is elaborated using a very simple language that allows to declare and describe its components: services, parameters, qualitative results, exported data, temporal and logical characteristics, etc.

From this formal description GenoM produces:

Besides ease of development (the module description does not depend on the operating system and does not require specific knowledge on distributed systems), the generation of the modules guarantees that they fit with the generic common model. It is an important feature to handle large systems. The underlying standardization of the structure, the behavior and the interface of the modules allows to automate their integration.

See the original paper [Fleury 1997] (below) for more information.



Latest releasse GenoM 2.10 (2012/10/24):


OpenrobotsWiki: genom (last edited 2012-10-24 17:04:39 by matthieu)