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location: Diff for "genom"
Differences between revisions 8 and 16 (spanning 8 versions)
Revision 8 as of 2008-11-07 10:02:25
Size: 1316
Editor: roadrock-wifi
Comment: Genom 2.1
Revision 16 as of 2010-11-05 16:44:40
Size: 1392
Editor: localhost
Comment: converted to 1.6 markup
Deletions are marked like this. Additions are marked like this.
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For a brief introduction, please refer to [http://www.laas.fr/~sara/RIA/RIA-genom.html.en this page], written and maintained by SaraFleury. The original paper [Fleury 1997] and comments on future work [Mallet 2002] are also available. For a brief introduction, please refer to [[http://www.laas.fr/~sara/RIA/RIA-genom.html.en|this page]], written and maintained by SaraFleury. The original paper [Fleury 1997] and comments on future work [Mallet 2002] are also available.
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 * GNU make, [:pocolibs:] library.  * GNU make, [[pocolibs]] library.
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   * [http://tcl.tk/ Tcl/Tk] >= 8.0 for building the tcl client of modules.
   * LAAS [:mkdep:] if you intend to work on sources and recompile frequently.
   * [[http://tcl.tk/|Tcl/Tk]] >= 8.0 for building the tcl client of modules.
   * LAAS [[mkdep]] if you intend to work on sources and recompile frequently.
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Latest releasse GenoM 2.1 (2008/11/07): Latest releasse GenoM 2.6 (2010/03/23):
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 * [http://softs.laas.fr/openrobots/php/download.php/genom-2.1.tar.gz genom-2.1.tar.gz]  * [[ftp://softs.laas.fr/pub/openrobots/genom/genom-2.6.tar.gz|genom-2.6.tar.gz]]
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 * [http://softs.laas.fr/openrobots/php/download.php/genom.pdf genom.pdf]  * [[ftp://softs.laas.fr/pub/openrobots/genom/genom.pdf|User's manual]]
 * [[ftp://softs.laas.fr/pub/openrobots/
genom/genom-slides.pdf|Course slides]]


For a brief introduction, please refer to this page, written and maintained by SaraFleury. The original paper [Fleury 1997] and comments on future work [Mallet 2002] are also available.


  • GNU make, pocolibs library.

  • Optional:
    • Tcl/Tk >= 8.0 for building the tcl client of modules.

    • LAAS mkdep if you intend to work on sources and recompile frequently.


Latest releasse GenoM 2.6 (2010/03/23):


  • [Fleury 1997] S. Fleury, M. Herrb and R. Chatila. GenoM: A Tool for the Specification and the Implementation of Operating Modules in a Distributed Robot Architecture. In International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, pages 842-848. Grenoble (France), 1997.

  • [Mallet 2002] A. Mallet, S. Fleury and H. Bruyninckx. A specification of generic robotics software components: future evolutions of GenoM in the Orocos context. In International Conference on Intelligent Robotics and Systems. Lausanne (Switzerland), 2002.

OpenrobotsWiki: genom (last edited 2014-10-22 09:43:05 by matthieu)