= Installing GenoM3 = This pages explains what need to be installed to run [[genom3|GenoM3]] (the program itself), the templates and some additional tools. [[http://robotpkg.openrobots.org/|robotpkg]] is the preferred way to install the different program as it automatically takes care of dependencies. We indicate (the robotpkg path / or the git repository) in case you want to use the git version: You will need to install (if not already done), the following software: * pocolibs (http://robotpkg.openrobots.org/robotpkg/middleware/pocolibs/) * genom3 (robotpkg/wip/genom3). This is the genom3 program itself. * genom3-pocolibs (if you want to generate code usable with the pocolibs middleware) (robotpkg/wip/genom3-pocolibs). This will install the pocolibs related GenoM3 template (pocolibs/server, pocolibs/client/c) * genom3-ros (if you want to generate code usable with ROS Comm middleare) (robotpkg/wip/genom3-ros). This will install all the ROS related GenoM3 template (ros/server, ros/client/c, ros/client/ros). if you want to control your modules from tcl you need to install: * genomix (robotpkg/wip/genomix) * tcl-genomix (robotpkg/wip/tcl-genomix) * eltclsh (http://robotpkg.openrobots.org/robotpkg/shell/eltclsh/) if you plan to use [[openprs|OpenPRS]] with [[transgen3|Transgen3]] as a supervisor to control your modules you need to install: * openprs (http://robotpkg.openrobots.org/robotpkg/supervision/openprs) * transgen3 (robotpkg/wip/transgen3) * genom3-openprs (robotpkg/wip/genom3-openprs) Through robotpkg, you just need to make update in the given directories above, where through git, you should need to do the follow commands: {{{ export INSTALL_DIR=${HOME}/openrobots export PKG_CONFIG_PATH=$INSTALL_DIR/lib/pkgconfig }}} then for each component: {{{ git clone git://trac.laas.fr/robots/ELEMENTYOUWANTTOINSTALL cd ELEMENTYOUWANTTOINSTALL autoreconf -vi mkdir build && cd build ../configure --prefix=$INSTALL_DIR make install }}}