= Using robotpkg to build openrobots = [[http://robotpkg.openrobots.org/|Robotpkg]] is a set of build and packaging tools, inspired by [[http://pkgsrc.se/|pkgsrc]], designed to build and install !OpenRobots packages. == Getting robotpkg == * Decide in which directory you'll install !OpenRobots. We'll assume `${HOME}/openrobots` in this document. {{{ mkdir -p ${HOME}/openrobots }}} * clone the [[http://git.or.cz|git]] repository for robotpkg to your work space: {{{ cd ${HOME}/openrobots mkdir src cd src git clone git://git.openrobots.org/robots/robotpkg }}} == Bootstrapping == * edit your shell startup file : * add `${HOME}/openrobots/bin:${HOME}/openrobots/sbin` to your PATH * add a definition of `PKG_CONFIG_PATH` with ${HOME}/openrobots/lib/pkgconfig as its value. * If you're using [t]csh this can be done by adding the following to `${HOME}/.login`: {{{ # OpenRobots setenv PATH ${HOME}/openrobots/bin:${HOME}/openrobots/sbin:$PATH setenv PKG_CONFIG_PATH ${HOME}/openrobots/lib/pkgconfig }}} * If you're using `bash` or `ksh`, add the following to `${HOME}/.profile`: {{{ # OpenRobots export PATH=${HOME}/openrobots/bin:${HOME}/openrobots/sbin:$PATH export PKG_CONFIG_PATH=${HOME}/openrobots/lib/pkgconfig }}} * Run the `bootstrap` script from `${HOME}/openrobots/src/robotpkg/bootstrap/` {{{ cd ~/openrobots/src/robotpkg/bootstrap ./bootstrap --prefix=${HOME}/openrobots }}} === Building modules === * Go to the sub-directory of robotpkg corresponding to the package you want and run `make install`. For instance {{{ cd ${HOME}/openrobots/src/robotpkg/hardware/platine-genom make install }}} will install the '''platine''' module and all its dependencies (pocolibs, genom, hardlib, etc.)