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These pages contain the collection of software that is being developped at [http://www.laas.fr LAAS/CNRS] for the Architecture for [http://www.laas.fr/robots Autonomous Systems] project. All together, the software provided here tackles the study and design of autonomous machines integrating perception, action and reasoning capabilities.

Getting Started

[http://robotpkg.openrobots.org Robotpkg] is an infrastructure that help a lot in compiling and installing OpenRobots components. It manages dependencies and is able to handle updates automatically. See UsingRobotpkg for a quick start guide.

Overview of available sofware




a formal module generator


Knowledge representation


an ontology-based framework for knowledge representation

Simulation & Visualization


a Blender-based versatile simulator for robotics


a remote OpenGL visualization tool

Tools and libraries



a low-level shared memory communication libraries



a TCL shell

Abstract Interfaces

For developers

Git Access

attachment:git.png For developpers wanting to keep an eye on ongoing developpement, anonymous read-only access to the OpenRobots git repository is available. See the GitAccess page for details.

Mailing list

Users of OpenRobots should subscribe to the [https://sympa.laas.fr/sympa/info/openrobots Openrobots mailing list].

Bug reports

Use [https://softs.laas.fr/bugzilla/ bugzilla] to report bugs or send patches to enhance OpenRobots.