These pages contain the collection of software that is being developped at [ LAAS/CNRS] for the Architecture for [ Autonomous Systems] project. All together, the software provided here tackles the study and design of autonomous machines integrating perception, action and reasoning capabilities.
As of now, we have released only a very little subset of what we would ideally see here. There is a great difference between a software used internally and one that is publicly available: the latter must be sufficiently documented and easy to use so that users give it at least a try. This effort requires time. So as time will go on, you might see more and more interresting software appearing...
- [:genom:]
- [:openprs:]
Knowledge representation
- [:oro-server:]
- [:morse:]
Support library
- [:pocolibs:]
Abstract Interfaces
- [:robotDynamics: Dynamic Model of robot]
Helper Tools
- [:eltclsh:]
- [:gdhe:]
[ Robotpkg] is an infrastructure that help a lot in compiling and installing OpenRobots components. It manages dependencies and is able to handle updates automatically.
The DownloadPage contains links to all software packages.
Git Access
For developpers wanting to keep an eye on ongoing developpement, anonymous read-only access to the OpenRobots git repository is available. See the GitAccess page for details.
Mailing list
Users of OpenRobots should subscribe to the [ Openrobots mailing list].
Bug reports
Use [ bugzilla] to report bugs or send patches to enhance OpenRobots.
[:QuickStart: Quick Start Guide]