## Set some parameters for the page #pragma section-numbers 2 #pragma keywords HATP, hatp, htn planning, hatpconsole, hatptester #pragma description Homepage for HATP software, an open-source HTN task planner = HATP: Hierarchical Agent-based Task Planner = || Under construction ! || HATP is an open-source HTN planner developed by LAAS The documentation: [[attachment:HATP-User-Documentation.pdf]] (install part is deprecated, refer to this page for updated version). ''Intro: to come'' || <>|| To know the '''compatibility of HATP''' with your system please see: [[http://robotpkg.openrobots.org/rbulk/robotpkg-wip/planning/index.html | Compatibility grid ]]. ''This grid only represents the state of the robotpkg packages, not the Git version ... may be different.'' == Most important pages == || [[HATP/install]] || Set of instruction on how to install HATP's core|| || [[HATP/run]] || Page presenting a quick setup guide and basic usage|| || [[HATP/doc]] || Presents some information on domain writing|| || [[HATP/dev]] || Page aimed at developers that want to go further in the details|| == HATP's main components == <> HATP is composed of several parts: || [[HATP/hatponboard]] || The core of the planner (actual planning process)|| || [[HATP/hatpconsole]] || The plan displayer, allows to visualise the plan in different format|| || [[HATP/hatptester]] || The plan-request sender, sends planning requests to the core|| || ''--([[HATP/msgconnector]])--'' || ''--(The middleware used by all the components to communicate)-- (deprecated, now relies on ROS)''|| || ''--([[HATP/libhatp]])--'' || ''--(A C++ to handle plan found by HATP)-- (deprecated, now integrated in ROS messages)''|| == Overview of HTN task planning == == HATP, more than an HTN planner == == References == The documentation: [[attachment:HATP-User-Documentation.pdf]] (install part is deprecated, refer to this page to updated version). To get more information on the HATP domains' language, see [[HATP/doc]]. To get a insight on HATP's inner mechanic please look at [[HATP/dev]]. === List of publications === ||'''[[http://icaps14.icaps-conference.org/proceedings/planrob/PlanRob2014_Proceedings.pdf|HATP: An HTN Planner for Robotics]]''', ''!PlanRob 2014'', R. Lallement, L. de Silva and R. Alami|| ||'''[[http://hci.cs.wisc.edu/workshops/RSS2014/?page_id=13|On Human-aware Task and Motion Planning Abilities for a Teammate Robot]]''', ''RSS HRCIM 2014'', R. Alami, M. Gharbi, B. Vadant, R. Lallement and A. Suarez|| == Acknowledgement == This software has been developed in the following projects: || [[http://www.arcas-project.eu/|{{http://www.arcas-project.eu/themes/marinelli/logo.png|ARCAS logo|height=50}}]]<
>'''ARCAS Project'''||[[http://www.saphari.eu/|{{http://www.saphari.eu/templates/showcase/images/SAPHARI_logo_portrait.jpg|SAPHARI logo|height=50}}]]<
>'''SAPHARI Project'''||[[http://mardi.metz.supelec.fr|{{http://mardi.metz.supelec.fr/_static/anr_white.png|ANR logo|height=50}}]]<
> '''MaRDi project'''||[[http://www.agence-nationale-recherche.fr/?Projet=ANR-12-CORD-0030|{{http://www.agence-nationale-recherche.fr/fileadmin/tpl/img/logo.gif|ANR logo|height=50}}]]<
> '''ROBOERGOSUM project'''|| == Troubleshooting == If facing problem contact a maintainer (addresses bellow), or go to the bug tracker: [[https://git.openrobots.org/projects/hatp]]. == License and Maintainer == HATP is distributed under 2-clause BSD license. ([[http://opensource.org/licenses/BSD-2-Clause|See here for details.]]) Current maintainer(s): * '''Raphaƫl Lallement''': [[mailto:raphael.lallement [at] laas.fr|raphael.lallement [at] laas.fr]], [[http://homepages.laas.fr/rlalleme|Website]]. ##Later can use <> {{{#!wiki comment EXPECTED STRUCTURE FOR THE WIKI [Homepage] short intro (~3 lines) HATP = HTN HTN = task planning task planning goal ! Presentation of HTN principle ... Presentation of HATP HTN + belief + ILGTP + Multi-stream + ... Main components of HATP hatpconsole hatptester References Papes Doc v1 Doc v2 License and maintainer [HATP/doc] Usage Workflow .dom and .cost ./check ./parse ./run Start everything by hand Language reference TODO Detailed exemples Complete DWR domain Common structures go through elements (and pruning) Advance usage Belief management Social rules ILGTP [HATP/dev] HATP modules msgconnnector server client HATPOnboard principle decomposition hatponboard-lib principle fuctionnalities decomposition libhatp principle hatptester-hatpconsole priciple decomposition [hatptester] }}}