## Set some parameters for the page #pragma section-numbers 2 #pragma keywords HATP, hatp, htn planning, hatpconsole, hatptester #pragma description HATP's install page = How to install HATP's core = This page describe how to install the install HATP in ROS. ''The old way to install HATP using msgconnector is described [[HATP/install-old|here]].'' This page uses the common way to give commands, the [[#appendix|Appendix section]] summarises it. || <>|| {i} '''A quick setup guide can be found [[HATP/run#quick_setup|here]].''' == Dependencies == HATP has external dependencies on: * CMake * Boost * pthread (or equivalent) * Antlr 2.7.7 * Qt4 * libgvc (provided by the package libgraphviz-dev on most of common linux distributions) * (optional) Toaster (see here for the instructions on how to install [[https://github.com/Greg8978/toaster/wiki/Installation|Toaster]] * (optional) Doxygen Those can be found on most package managers, alternatively they can be installed using '''robotpkg'''. == Install in ROS == We will show here the steps to install HATP in ROS. The process may seem a bit counter-intuitive hence this detailed description. === Get the metapackage === To install HATP you must first download the ROS metapakage, because all the other modules fits inside it. {{{ cd /src/ git clone git://git.openrobots.org/robots/hatp/hatp_ros.git hatp }}} It should create a 'hatp' directory in your source directory. === Get the modules === Pull the source code in your ROS directory (catkin workspace). {{{ cd /src/hatp git clone git://git.openrobots.org/robots/hatp/hatp_msgs.git git clone git://git.openrobots.org/robots/hatp/hatponboard-lib.git git clone git://git.openrobots.org/robots/hatp/hatponboard.git git clone git://git.openrobots.org/robots/hatp/hatptester.git git clone git://git.openrobots.org/robots/hatp/hatpconsole.git }}} === Compile HATP === Compile using the classical ROS approach: {{{ cd catkin_make }}} '''Now you can use it, please refer to [[HATP/run]] to get a quick guide on how to start HATP.''' == Appendix == <> The commands use the following rules: * things in `[ ]` are options you can use * things in `< >` must be replaced by the value that suits your configuration For instance: {{{ ls [-R] }}} means you have to call either: {{{ ls /home/username/ }}} or {{{ ls -R /home/username/ }}}